Series In Hebrews: Jesus Is Truly Better
OT Jeremiah 31:31-37 14:17-24, NT 8:1-13
“Jesus has now obtained a superior ministry... He is the mediator of a better covenant”
Hebrews 8 represents a theological fork in the road because it forces its readers to make a decision on how they are going to understand the relationship between covenants. If the original audience accepts the old covenant with its blessing curse principle they will stand in judgement of a righteous God who expects full compliance both inward and outward. However, if they accept the new covenant a covenant of grace ratified by Christ Himself they will continue to be persecuted among family and friends, but their sin will be atoned for by the Great High Priest once and for all. Paul also explains this well in Galatians 3:10-18.
Verse 1
What "kind" of high priest do we have? "...a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek"(7:17). Jesus is an eternal priest who offers an eternal atonement unlike the human priests who could only offer the symbol of a future atonement (7:24, 25). Moreover, Jesus is deity who meets all of the righteous demands of the law both inwardly and outwarldy (7:26). His atoning work on the cross provides real atonement once and for wall (7:27). The law under the Mosaic covenant was ineffective because men are sinful and it condemned all of humanity including human priests. But Christ who comes as after the law, ratifies the covenant of grace through His perfection.
Sitting at the right hand of Majesty in the heavens points to Jesus' divinity making Him the superior high priest (1). Also notice He is seated to the right of the throne of Majesty in heaven. Make a mental note of this, thrones are in heaven the eternal place of God.
Verse 2
The distinction is made between the true tabernacle and that which is untrue or a shadow or type. The difference being made is over where Jesus ministers. This is the true tabernacle not the physical earthly tabernacle made by man which was a type, copy, or foreshadow of the true tabernacle of Christ. More explanation to follow in verses 3 - 6.
Verses 3-6
Moses' tabernacle was central to Israel's worship as it was modeled after the spiritual where Jesus ministers (2). While the priests of the earthly tabernacle offered up earthly sacrifices of animals Jesus offered Himself (3)making Him the mediator of a better covenant. The earthly priests being referred to here were of the Levitical priesthood and presided over the covenant of law. Jesus is an eternal priest under the order of Melchizedek who is the mediator of a gracious covenant. The question to be asking is if the old covenant was made to national Israel and Jesus is the mediator of a new and better covenant, where does that leave national Israel?
This might sound like a technical theological point that the author is making but it does have some very practical implications about how we approach the Bible. The purpose of the old covenant with all of its laws (civil, ceremonial, moral) was to point Israel to Christ and the new covenant.
Verses 6, 7
The first covenant was a covenant of law or works and the preacher says if it was “faultless” there wouldn’t be a need for a second covenant. Incidentally the fault is not with the covenant because it is a reflects God’s divine character. The fault is with man because we are sinful.
Verses 8-12
In verses 8 - 12 the preacher returns to the OT to explain why the law cannot save quoting a very well known prophecy from Jeremiah 31 that speaks to a new and better covenant. There are four points being raised in this fascinating prophecy of Jeremiah’s that the preacher of Hebrews is trying to make.
* “Look the days are coming” (v8) Jeremiah tells the people of Israel to expect a new covenant because the Lord found fault with them (v8). One key take away from this is that our Lord’s first advent should have been and was anticipated by many Jews. And what we read in Luke 22:20 (In the same way He also took the cup after supper and said, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you”.) should have been and was seen as the fulfilment of Jeremiah’s prophecy.
*”I will make a new covenant” (v8) a gracious covenant that only God can make and ratify through the mediator who is our Great High Priest who atoned for the sin once and for all through His shed blood.
*”Not like the covenant I made with their Fathers” (v9). The covenant made with their Fathers (Siniatic) was a national covenant, mediated by a sinful man Moses, and ratified by sinful men, written on stone tablets, and provided consequences for disobedience. The new covenant expands beyond national Israel to all the nations, it is written on the hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit. This is similar to what Paul says in Ephesians 1:13, 14 or 2 Corinthians 3:7-18.
*”I will be merciful to their wrong doing”(v12) lastly this is a covenant of grace.
Verse 13
Final Thoughts
"SALVATION through Jesus Christ, is according to "the determinate counsel, and foreknowledge of God’1 He was pleased to make known to the fathers, his purposes in this behalf, in the form of covenants, which were of different characters, and revealed at various times. These covenants enter into the very nature, and pervade with their peculiar qualities, the whole system of divine grace. A perfect knowledge of the Gospel therefore, involves necessarily, a correct comprehension of the covenants. But by whom among us, are these covenants clearly understood? To most men, you need only to speak on this subject, and you at once perceive that "Even unto this day, the vail is upon their heart."2 They fail to perceive what the covenants are in themselves, in their relations to each other, and consequently in their bearings upon the designs of God in the Redeemer! This darkness is lamentable in all its aspects, since falling short of the knowledge of these, — "the rudiments of the doctrine of Christ," — obscurity must necessarily rest upon the whole Gospel system. How can he who does not perceive "the first principles" of any specified science, ever become a master of that science?" -RBC Howell
"I also adduced another passage in which Isaiah exclaims: “‘Hear My words, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have given Him for a witness to the people: nations which know not Thee shall call on Thee; peoples who know not Thee shall escape to Thee, because of thy God, the Holy One of Israel; for He has glorified Thee.’ This same law you have despised, and His new holy covenant you have slighted; and now you neither receive it, nor repent of your evil deeds. ‘For your ears are closed, your eyes are blinded, and the heart is hardened,’ Jeremiah has cried; yet not even then do you listen. The Lawgiver is present, yet you do not see Him; to the poor the Gospel is preached, the blind see, yet you do not understand. You have now need of a second circumcision, though you glory greatly in the flesh. The new law requires you to keep perpetual sabbath, and you, because you are idle for one day, suppose you are pious, not discerning why this has been commanded you: and if you eat unleavened bread, you say the will of God has been fulfilled. The Lord our God does not take pleasure in such observances: if there is any perjured person or a thief among you, let him cease to be so; if any adulterer, let him repent; then he has kept the sweet and true sabbaths of God. If any one has impure hands, let him wash and be pure." —Justin Martyr, Dialogue With Trypho the Jew, ch. 12.
“This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.” -Luke 22:20
Old Covenant
New Covenant
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National Israel
Law works based (blessing / curse principle)
National Israel
All the nations
What it’s not
Isolated “dispensation” for that particular time
“Do over” or a “mulligan”
What it’s not
Old Testament
New Testament
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