Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Jim Standridge Throws a Hissy Fit

It is a good thing this pastor "loves" his congregation. I would hate to see what it would be like if he didn't "love" them. If only preachers would stick to preaching Christ and Him crucified congregations wouldn't have to put up with this non-sense on Sunday morning. Apparently this pastor has no idea why the video went viral and hasn't apologized for his actions. You can read about here.


  1. Jim,

    This man does not belong in the pulpit. He violates just about everything in 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Plus, this is a great example of how churches need to follow the biblical teaching regarding a plurality of elders that do the work of shepherding and not one single guy that is above everyone else. If this church had a biblical form of church polity the other elders could have publicly rebuked him I Timothy 5:19.

    Cf. II Timothy 2:24-25


  2. I could have chalked it up to a bad day if he would have apologized, but since he didn't, I agree with Mark that he no longer belongs in the pulpit. He has an issue with thinking that he is "somebody" and worthy of respect because he is THEIR PASTOR. He is only worthy of their respect if he is preaching Scriptures (which perhaps he does, we don't know), and only worthy of authority if each congregant is OK with him being his/her authority. Perhaps the person that fell asleep did not bestow that much authority to Pastor Jim for him to call him out.

    I have had people fall asleep on me while I preached. I chalk most of it up to failure on my part, but also I realize that the sleeper might have had a late night. I don't take it personal.
